At the September 2002 Annual Meeting of Country Women’s Council USA it was voted to apply for membership as an affiliated society of The Associated Country Women of the World (ACWW). CWC was accepted into membership a few weeks later at the October Council Meeting of ACWW.
The Country Women’s Council USA, is a coordinating council, composed of Associated Country Women of the World member societies in the USA and meets annually to promote the work of ACWW.
The Country Women’s Council USA, became the official name in 1946. Initially, the adopted title in 1939 was the United States Liaison Committee.
The Council works actively to promote international understanding through such specific projects as Pennies for Friendship and through its participation in activities of certain specialized agencies in the United States.
In 1952 an observer was named to the United Nations. In 1958, ACWW was granted Category B status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) with Mrs. George Roberts as ACWW-UN representative.
By meeting together, the many societies of ACWW in the United States of America have made the Country Women’s Council USA, an efficient, cooperative, and understanding body. Thus, CWC has served to strengthen ACWW and, in so doing, has become strong and effective in the promotion of the activities of the mother organization.
The Country Women’s Council USA, does not formulate policy. It may, and often does offer recommendations and suggestions from member societies to the international office of ACWW. Its programs and activities are devoted to carrying out the policies of ACWW, and to do this, it has the officers previously listed, and their respective duties.